Should you do a boudoir session?
One of our most frequently asked questions is, “Do you think boudoir photography is right for me?”
The answer? Yes, yes – a thousand times yes!
A boudoir session is all about self love and empowerment. I believe boudoir is for every woman. The images are for YOU to celebrate who you are, embrace where you are in life, and enjoy the skin you are in. No matter where you’re at in life! No matter what your relationship status is! No matter whether you have pre or post kid(s) body! And no matter how far you feel you have to go for your “ideal” body, boudoir is for you!
Here are a few of the top reasons EVERYONE should have a boudoir session.
1. To discover a new kind of confidence and positive self-image.

Boudoir photography, for some, shows us who we are or really want to be: not what others want us, as women, to be or what they think we should be. As a woman myself, I understand that most of us have some pretty complicated relationships with our bodies, our femininity, and our sexuality. In my studio you get to be your authentic self in your perfectly imperfect body. You get to completely celebrate you! I am here to show you there is nothing shameful about who you are, about being a woman, and about how you look. Embrace that! Everyone and every body is a work of art and unique in their own way. I’m here to help show you that.
2. To see yourself from a new perspective.

Boudoir will give you a glimpse of how others see all of those things inside of you that make you so incredibly beautiful on the outside. We all have a sense of self perception, and just about every time we look in the mirror that is exactly who we see. But, you are more than what you show yourself! We will create beautiful emotive body languages that showcase the amazing things about you. Every woman is unique! They bring their own kind of beauty, and their own kind of sexy to their session.
The whole world gets to see, adore, and love the many things you are. When are you going to?
3. To get pampered.

When was the last time you did something for yourself? Had some moments just for you? As women, wives, mothers, nurturers, and workers we often spend our days making sure everyone else is taken care of first. It’s time to reward yourself for all the hard work and celebrate this beautiful journey called life! With professional hair and makeup included in every session and a professional photographer, you will look and feel amazing throughout the entire shoot. I will guide you through your session, showing you exactly what I need you to do, and often times demonstrating it myself first.
4. For your person.

It can be a unique gift not just for you, but also for your significant other. Can you imagine him/her looking at those photos? They already think your beautiful, so who better to share this with.
5. Or more specifically for your fiancé.

A wedding boudoir session is one of the most popular gifts to give your soon to be husband/wife the night before or day of. It is one of the most intimate ways to let them know you are thinking of them with something they will treasure for a lifetime.
Are you ready to take the plunge and get started with your very own boudoir session?
Click here to schedule your complimentary 15-minute consultation with our studio team. During our call, we’ll go over any questions you might have, select a session date, and begin planning out your session.